Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Wet Saw For Sale

MK 470 ½ HP 7" WET SAW

Rips 14 inch tile, 10" diagonal cuts, 2" cutting depth. Includes submersible water pump and adjustable rip guide.
Originally sold at Home Depot for $300, asking $100.

Call Dan at 248-974-6200

Welcome to the MichiganMoves Marketplace!

Do you want to get rid of household items, but just haven't made the effort to have a garage sale or run an ad in the local newspaper?

This is the perfect place to post your items, letting everyone in the MichiganMoves network know. Your castoff is someone else's treasure. Kinda of like a local eBay with a posting fee.

Just send us an email so we can add you as a blog author. Once added, you can post as many items as you'd like.

Start Spring cleaning, declutter, and shed a few unwanted possessions, just in time to enjoy a more carefree Summer. Don't delay...get started today!